Come as you are...
Come as you are...Come as you are...Come as you are...Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Tina Gadoury, RYT200, owner of The Yoga Limb, based in Paris, Ontario, Canada.
She is forever a student. Forever learning and experiencing. Drawing from over three decades of fitness and personal training for all levels of mobility, her desire for continuing education is forefront.
She currently leads classes, workshops and retreats in worldwide locations.
Her passion is teaching outdoors, where she believes true growth occurs.
Her personal journey with yoga came from a discovering of a missing link. As a Reiki Master and energy movement enthusiast she recognized that balancing the mind and spirit were only a part of the full Triangle of Life. That we were missing the physical part of pure balance. Mind, Body and Spirit. So she sought out Liz Heffernen, owner of the Soma Yoga Institute in California. A connection was made. In a total immersion program out of Costa Rica, she experienced her true calling.
Tina's teaching style brings forward the connection of breath, connection to self and connection to universe. With a commitment to alignment and safety, Tina's intention is to set her students up for success in each class, offering props and options for students to grow into their practice with confidence. Tina is known for her ability to encourage self-ownership, awareness and love for life.
"Yoga is for everyone. Regardless of your age, size, flexibility, injuries. I am devoted to my students to encourage and support them in achieving personal freedom. Freedom to feel love for their body, mind and spirit. It takes a tribe....Come as you are"
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